Monday, May 26, 2014

No Voice, No Worries

Back to reality today. Kind of. Not that any of this trip has been reality, but I did have to go to school today. I lost my voice this weekend, so speaking in class was comical.

After our school, we went to the Air Force school in another district in Lima. We will be spending the week here working with different students and groups of students. We started the afternoon with a school tour from a student. My student's name was Franco and he was 14. He spoke a little english, so we talked in Spanish. He was very interested in computers and plays five different instruments. 

After the tour, we sat with older students who were about to graduate. They spoke English very well and were excited to practice with us. Plus there were little chocolate cookies and I ate about six of them. I'm looking forward to coming back to the school this week and learning more from the students.

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